Working one-to-one while studying RUAE past papers and discussing the tricks behind picking up maximum points can be a very powerful tool for increasing confidence and gaining a good grade.
The SQA list all past papers, and while some text is removed because of copywrite in later sections - this is not the case for RUAE, which are usually journalistic articles, two points of view - and the first read through under exam conditions can be quite stressful. As teachers have always said - to practise reading this style of writing is key to passing exams - there are skills involved in absorbing information quickly, and exploring these skills is vital for performance and confidence.
The SQA also publish the marking criteria (as per above link) - a fantastic resource in understanding the nature of the information required to gain marks. Here, we can see that we sometimes over-complicate ideas for answers, which can be very time-consuming, and under exam conditions - this is precisely what we need to avoid.